To hunt most effectively in most other types of hunting, such as deer, turkey, or duck, you need to be sedentary or even hidden. If you like to be in motion , exploring what’s over every hill, around every bend and beyond every horizon, upland hunting is the perfect complement to your wanderlust.
Millions of people each year hit the upland fields and woods for different reasons. No matter the reason, it is always good to prepare yourself to ensure success. BOWINS has more than 15 years of experience in hunting clothing manufacturing, and exports hunting clothing all over the world. Let’s take a look at some of the things we share today to consider when starting your upland journey.
——-What Is Upland Hunting?
Upland hunting is an American term for a form of hunting in which the hunter pursues upland birds including quail, pheasant, grouse, woodcock, prairie chicken, chukar, grey partridge and other landfowls. Upland birds are terrestrial and tend to be found on the dry lands above the high mark of waterbodies, often hidden in heavy groundcover, so hunters generally employ the use of gun dogs to locate, expose and retrieve game. The average group consists of 2-4 hunters with 1-2 dogs. Normally, if there is one dog the owner usually handles the dog while the others focus on shooting.
——-Where You’ll Find Birds
That’s a lot of birds. To find them, you’ll have to explore a lot of different terrain.
- Ringneck pheasantslove corn and other agricultural grains. To hunt them, try areas in and around the fields where farmers raise these crops. Shelter belts between active fields are ideal. Later in the season, wet spots filled with cattails are ideal.
- Bobwhites also love grains, but they prefer a more complex mix of foods. So, look for planted as well as wild types. Like pheasants, quail can be found in fencerows, ditches and other overgrown areas between crop fields and found throughout farm lands.
- Ruffed grouse are more of a forest bird. They favor pockets of young trees with plenty of ground vegetation. You’ll also have luck if you focus on clear cuts and logged woodlots up to twenty years old. Abandoned farms and the edges of overgrown fields are also great places to find them.
- American woodcock can be found in many of the same covers that Ruffed grouse favor. But because they eat earthworms, you’ll should focus on areas where the ground is damp to almost wet. The classic cover for them is a stand of alder trees. When woodcock migrate, they can also be found at the edges of open fields and in stands of pines and fir trees.
Of course, the only real way to learn where to find these birds is to get out there and look for them yourself. If you have a mentor, ask them to introduce to some likely looking spots. Whenever you flush a bird, make note of where you find out, the time of day and types of plants and cover in the area. Over time, you’ll gain the experience to spot prime locations and have more success in the field.
——-Timing Creatures Of Habit In Habitat (Take pheasants as an example)
Pheasants are creatures of habit. Knowing that ringneck pheasants in tall cover makes choosing what grounds to hunt at daybreak a no-brainer. Get into those sections with some nearby corn and hunt it hard! Since this is also where they roost in the evening, you can hunt the same sections at dusk into the end of the shooting light.
Where do pheasants go after they wake up and stretch their wings?Pheasants don’t travel long distances or many miles, largely because they travel on foot. After the sun crests the horizon, often times they sunbathe in winter wheat fields and jockey for the next hen’s love. Around eight o’clock in the morning, give or take, it’s time to switch gears to those heavy grain and feed areas. Focus on working all types of feed until you’ve located the desired grain of the day. Focusing on feed fields mid-morning and late afternoons will guarantee a man and his dog a few more opportunities to create moments to share as campfire stories.
——-Clothing and equipment
Here is the beauty of upland hunting. Compared to big game hunting for deer, elk or other animals you can get started with the minimal of clothing and equipment.
First consider a strong pair of upland pants. Many birds, and particularly rabbits, inhabit thick, brushy cover either along field edges or in the forests. That includes briars. Upland pants are typically designed with thick cloth and usually some type of material on the front to turn briars and other things that will stick you. Following are some popular styles recommended by our company.

The second thing to put on your list is a game vest or jacket. These come in various configurations but all have two things in common: a game bag to carry game and pockets to hold shells. Here are the hot sale products. Many of them are either all blaze orange or have blaze orange material to meet regulatory requirements. There are some designed for warm weather and you can also find full coats to protect you in cold or damp weather. They are usually windproof, durable, and have a large storage space, making them ideal for your hunting needs.

Taian Bowins Garment Co., Ltd (BOWINS Garment) is a professional manufacturer of hunting clothing, with more than 300 workers and 20,000 square meters of manufacturing factory, and equipped with professional manufacturing machinery. Our products mainly include hunting jackets, pants, vests, pullovers, shirts, etc., to meet your hunting needs in different seasons and environments. Trust us, Bowins will be your good choice.