As a supplier with nearly 20 years of experience in the research, development and production of hunting clothing, Bowins deeply studies every scene from design to wearing, researches scene application and wearing experience, and provides personalized service. The following are some practical suggestions for the preservation of hunting clothing:
Whether it’s at the end of the hunting season or between the two weekends of the peak hunting season, how you store your hunting clothing can make or break a hunt. In addition, proper storage of hunting clothing is a key way to make hunting clothing last as long as possible. Here are our recommended end-of-season and in-season hunting clothing storage strategies.
End of the hunting season means different things to different hunters. Some people may be ready for a new season of activities, while others may have a harder time saying goodbye to their favorite time of year. Because hunting clothing usually doesn’t need to be readily available after the season is over, it’s important to organize, store, and remove odors at the end of the season.
Goal: Easy to identify when using again
When your hunting clothing is officially ready to be stooped away for the winter — no matter the degree of cleaning (don’t use regular laundry detergent), take some time to develop a strategy. Some methods include:
By season, species and pattern. For example, bow hunting suit vs. rifle hunting suit vs. waterfowl hunting suit.
By material, for example:base layers vs. warm weather hunting clothing vs. tech gear vs. cold weather gear, etc.
Disorganized, all the hunting gear is stored in a pile like this
Tip: Consider a labeling strategy when organizing your hunting attire. With labels, you can easily tell what’s in your case or bag and save yourself the trouble of rummaging through items if you need them again.
Goal: to keep your hunting clothing out of the way while extending their lifespan.
Now that your hunting clothes are organized, it’s time to put them away. We recommend two end-of-season storage methods: storage boxes or vacuum-sealed bags
Plastic bins are great for storing things. Use the size of the box to save space. Label the case so you know what to take and when. For example, cases with close fitting and thick socks don’t need to be opened until the temperature drops. Save the desiccant (moisture absorbent) that comes with your online shopping clothes and throw them into your storage bin to keep humidity to a minimum
Vacuum-sealed bags are also a reliable storage method. Advantages of storing hunting clothing in vacuum-sealed bags include:
Vacuum-sealed bags ensure your hunting clothing stays dry and odorless. No moisture absorption kit or odor elimination is required.
Vacuum-sealed bags offer great storage capacity without taking up the same amount of space.
The vacuum-sealed bag is transparent so you can have a glimpse of what’s inside.
Vacuum-sealed bags are lighter than storage boxes and can be easily tossed around.
Similar to the method of storing boxes, be sure to label the vacuum-sealed bags according to your organizational strategy for easy recall as you prepare for the next hunting season.

Keep your hunting clothing odorless during storage
Goal: Don’t mess up an early season hunt just because you smell.
Scent control gives hunters an extra second before their prey notices them. This could be the second that separates success from failure.
If you must wash hunting clothing, use only water with a small amount of baking soda. It’s selective. It is essential to clean hunting clothing that comes into contact with the skin, such as leggings and socks. Soak hunting clothes that need washing in the tub instead of in a regular washing machine that smells like laundry soap. Air dry washed hunting clothes instead of putting them in a dryer (which may also smell like laundry soap or dryer sheets). Here are some additional tips:
If you use the box storage method, wash the storage box with warm water and dry it before putting hunting clothing in. Keep a box of baking soda in the bin to lock in moisture and odors. Some hunters also spill it on their clothes and boots. Some hunters add elements of nature from hunting to their stored clothing. These include pine or cedar branches or any natural samples from the ground. Store your storage bin or bags as far away from the kitchen as possible, such as in the basement, garage or shed. This is an extra step
Wildlife research scent killers are widely used and can help keep hunting clothing as odorless as possible

In-Season Strategies
Goal: Keep hunting clothing fragrance-free and readily available.
The easiest and probably most effective way to store seasonal hunting clothing is outdoors. This method is both labor-saving and low-tech. But there’s a caveat: You need to make sure your storage area is covered to protect it from outside factors, especially dew. Hanging your clothes on an old hanger under a roofed patio or porch and letting the air circulate will do its job. After a few days of outdoor storage, especially after a few cold days, the “outdoor” scent on your hunting clothing can be very strong and can mask your personal scent in a hunting scene.

If you don’t have a covered porch and need an efficient way to store their clothes, use a scent-controlled hunting bag or a classic storage bin while adding an open box of baking soda, just like in the refrigerator. There are some deodorant bags on the market. You can also put them in the storage bin.
There are also several different odor elimination sprays on the market. Typically, these sprays claim to be 98% effective and are mixed outdoors with a natural scent
Another tool to consider when storing clothes is ozone. Ozone has been used for decades among construction workers to remove odors and is now gaining popularity in the hunting world. Ozone units are available in a variety of sizes for different types of clothing.
There are advantages to collecting hunting clothes
Dedicated hunters know that sometimes one extra step can make all the difference. In the long run, it pays to know the best way to store hunting clothing. Even when the hunting season is over, they can know they have been one step ahead of the next hunt when their clothes are stored accordingly
We believe that with the proper care of hunting clothing, you will be able to harvest rich hunting experience again and again. Bowins will continue to in-depth research on the details of hunting clothing, and make continuous efforts to create more comfortable, beautiful and high-quality hunting clothing!