Hello, everyone! I am Echo from BOWIN Shunting department. Today, it is my pleasure to share with you the season schedule of different hunting activities in different countries so that you can better arrange your own hunting activities, I hope this will be of helpful to you.
When the hunting season comes, hunters wearing high waterproof, breathable camouflage hunting clothes flock to the forests, fields, and lakes where the animals congregate. Many of hunters are looking for a trophy to adorn the mantelpiece, others fantasize about going out for the rest of the year and putting venison and duck burgers in the fridge. It was a big deal for the hunters who could not hunt at will. They have to wait until the opening day of the hunting season.

“Hunting season” is an artificial construct. It’s not just the day when deer, or turkey or quail or any other type of game, it is the time allowing the hunters to kill the animals freely in the specified area (also known as “harvesting”). Opening and closing days for all types of game are determined by departments of natural resources, or variations thereof, for each different country and state. Hunting seasons for all types of game vary from state to state, although typically by no more than a month. In South Carolina, for example, wild turkey spring season runs from April 1 to May 1. In New York State, it’s May 1 through May 31. Why the variation? It would probably be easier to set a nationwide season for wild turkey. Then hunters and hunting authorities could plan for permitted hunting well in advance. At the same time animals are carefully protected from over hunting. For different hunting games, hunters will wear different kinds of camouflage hunting clothes for concealment, protection and comfort .

Slingshots, blowpins, air guns, bows and arrows, crossbows, shotguns, spears, knives, axes, stones and bricks are the essential equipment for different hunting activities. Camouflage hunting clothes is often the indispensable hunting gear in the hunting games.
. There are also limitations on the use of different equipment in different hunting seasons. Generally speaking, the non-firearm hunting season begins a few weeks or so earlier than the firearm hunting season.

Different countries have different seasonal dates because of the reproductive cycle of all hunting activities (and between different types of hunting) and the different population densities in different regions. The exact dates can be found in the following chart. Remember, the dates may vary depending on the owner and local regulations, so be sure to check with your local before booking your hunting game.

In Sweden, the hunting season may vary from north to south. You must have a hunting license, which must be renewed from July 1 to June 30 of the following year. Hunting permits must be brought with them and submitted at the request of the police, the Coast Guard, the county administrative board and the Customs. The current fee is 300 Sek. In Sweden, Brown bear hunting requires special permission.
Hunting is very popular in Sweden. Sweden has about 300,000 hunters, of whom about 200,000 have signed up to the Swedish game and Wildlife Management Association (a voluntary organization that helps Swedish hunters and their interests) . They will wear different kinds of camouflage hunting clothes when hunting.

In New Zealand, different kinds of deer can be found almost all year round. The main hunting season is between the end of February and the beginning of August, when red deer, the Sika and the recreational deer are in a hard horned state.
March is the beginning of the main hunting season in the South Island.
With many animals still far from the sun on the southern slopes at the end of March, the red deer, fallow stags and Sika deer will be in full Rut by the end of April, making hunting easier. Usually hunters will wear long tail deer hunting clothes in New Zealand.
BOWINS is a professional camouflage hunting clothes manufacturer with more than 12 years of partnerships with many of the world’s leading hunting wear brands, producing hunting suits for different hunting activities and seasons, there are deer hunting clothes in suede fabric with less noise, duck hunting clothing with high water resistance and moisture permeability, and upland hunting clothing with large storage pockets for migratory birds and pigeons. We will provide you with high quality OEM and ODM manufacturing services according to the circumstances and experience of design and production, so as to be widely used for hunting activities in different regions, environments and seasons. AT ANY TIME WELCOME TO CONSULT!