We have to say, wool is one of the oldest materials used by humans for sewing garment. Despite the development of technology and science, it remains one of the best and most popular materials by hunters.
As we trace the footsteps of our ancestors thousands of years ago, it is hard not to notice that in many ways we are very similar to our ancestors who immortalized their adventures on the rock.
Of course, it’s been a long time, technology has developed, and we don’t need to hunt to survive anymore. But still, we haven’t changed as much as we’d like to believe. Just like them, we love to hunt with friends and have fun with family by the fire. Just like them, we like to eat venison and spend time outdoors. And for many of us, an outdoor activity is still the most important thing in life.
Okay, but what about progress, technology and science? What about centuries of experience? Today we can see animals in complete darkness, hit animals easily, and guarantee the animal will drop in its shooting tracks. Yet all of the above matters less than you might think. Of course, no one in their right mind would go hunting with a old stick. But… you can’t deny there is a growing interest in bow hunting. And it is also probably the most exciting and attractive to modern hunters. So we haven’t changed much over the millenniums, have we?
Someone might say – but our clothes are way different! None of us would like to go to the woods anymore with some hairy animal fur slung over our shoulder. True, but many prefer wool over all the modern inventions, space technologies, membranes, and synthetic materials. Materials that look old and traditional can still give you the best experience, because the natural yarn still works wonders.”

What’s The Best Hunting Clothes
Anyway, our clothes should be functional and fulfil their role. Most of us would also like to look unique and fashionable, but we will always take care the expense of the practical aspects. Nobody would argue that the outfit has to provide comfort and improve effectiveness during hunting.
Hunting very often takes place in unfavourable weather conditions. The bad weather will always tell you that you should stay at home. It could be the rain, it could be the wind, it could be the low temperatures. Sometimes all of the above. So, what exactly do we expect from good hunting clothes? This is why we choose wool hunting clothes:

Thermal Performance
Not getting cold is one of the most important challenges while waiting for hunting activities.
Of course, maybe somebody will say we can put on many thick layers and look like a mascot, only then it would be rather difficult to move freely. What’s even worse – in the event of increased physical activity, it is very easy to heat up, sweat and wet the clothes and in consequence lose the thermal comfort for good.
Thermal insulation must be effective – the clothes as thin and light as possible, and responsive to the conditions. It should be able to receive the heat when you get hot.
Wool is warm, everyone knows that, but what is unique to this material, it can also help to cool down. This is why the sheep won’t overheat in the summer. Hair fibers transfer the heat, while the tiny pockets of air held between them work as thermal buffers. They will isolate from the cold outside but will also cool help to down when it’s hot.
And wool has high warmth to weight ratio. A wool shirt is usually significantly warmer than a synthetic shirt of the same fabric weight.
Breathability Performance
So-called breathability is an ability of a material to remove moisture from the air surrounding the body. It’s not only about feeling comfortable, but also about keeping the right temperature.
Wool is naturally breathable. The air pockets not only can store heat but are capable also of absorbing large quantities of moisture vapour. This is why wool maintains dry and comfort next to skin, keeping the wearer warm and dry.
Wool makes it comfortable to wear, even during periods of high exertion. In addition, wool naturally repels water and retains it isolating capabilities even when wet.
Moisture Performance
Although the outermost layer of the wool fiber repels water, it is not completely waterproof. Wool clothes will get wet over time. What is unique about it though, is that thanks to its high absorbency (around 30% of its weight), it can hold moisture for longer than other fabrics and it will take more time for you to feel wet.
Quite Performance
There are many man-made materials that are superior to wool in some regards: they are stronger, tear-resistant or provide a better barrier against external moisture than wool. Some of them only allow moisture to pass in one direction – we have to say, what a brilliant invention the membranes are!
But most synthetics are noisy. And the rustles and swishes not only scare the game, but also drive the hunter mad, even if there are no animals nearby that could run away.
I don’t know a single hunter who wouldn’t care if he makes a noise every time he moves. Every silent step taken during the stalk increases the hunter’s confidence and concentration, which contributes to success during the hunt. The wool is perfectly silent. It absorbs the noise. There is nothing better.
Wool simply absorbs sound. All quiet materials that you can wear, which is a huge benefit for hunters.
Odour Insulation Performance
Not only noise scares the game. Even worse is the smell of a man, which betrays him even when he is hidden from view and standing still in silence. This is where the problem of breathable materials comes in. They will help to get the sweat out, but also the body odour will come out with it.
This is one more area where the extraordinary properties of wool are revealed. While it absorbs the moisture from the skin, and therefore the sweat when we perspire, it is also able to absorb any odour from sweating, which is only released upon washing.
Fire Resistance Performance
It is impossible to separate hunting and fire from the very beginning. One goes hand in hand with the other. Sometimes we need a fire to warm ourselves up, prepare a meal, or just sit with friends in a pleasant atmosphere.
And here comes another weakness of modern materials – one spark is enough to melt a hole on a hunting jacket or trousers.
In result, which is much worse, it can ruin a hunting day. In extreme cases, getting too close to a fire in synthetic clothing, that easily ignites and melts, can result in severe burns.
Wool fibers have very low flammability. Wool naturally extinguishes itself and will not catch on fire. It will also not melt or stick to your skin in extreme heat.
Environmentally Friendly Performance
A true hunter is also a conservationist and will care not only for the animals themselves, but also for their (and his or her own) environment.
Synthetic fabrics made from polyester, nylon, acrylic etc. contribute to ocean plastic pollution, by being washed. Woollen fabrics obviously do not shed micro plastics. Wool is natural, renewable and 100% biodegradable.
If we are to leave something behind for future generations, then, as in the case of our prehistoric ancestors, let it be art and not plastic waste.
Bowins wool hunting clothes enduring popularity through 15 years of market choice, in the functional clothing field . It represents a major breakthrough in the technical field of Bowins brand hunting clothing, witnessing the renewal of functional hunting clothes. In recent years, Bowins classic hunting clothes sells well in Europe and America outdoor market and is favored by the world’s top hunting gear brand. If you are interested in our products, please feel free to contact us, Bowins design team will design hunting products according to your requests, to provide you with quality service.